Tuesday, 17 September 2019

ADwD 55: The Queensguard 849

We get a Barristan Selmy POV chapter. Interesting!

Dany has been missing since she flew off on her dragon. A lot of people think she is dead but not Selmy. Hizdahr has been replacing Dany's people with friends and pit fighters. But he's rather vulnerable and short on friends without Dany, it turns out.

Stong Belwas is still sick: it turns out that the honeyed locusts were poisoned. Not sure how I missed that: I did think it odd that he should be throwing up just because a woman got gored by a boar, even if he was complaining about the screams.

Shakaz the shavepate has been relieved of his command of the Brazen Beasts, but they are still loyal to him. He meets Selmy in secret and is plotting to attack the Yunkai'i before Hizdahr capitulates to the Volantenes, who are threatening to attack. Selmy is not sure about all this and neither am I. Dany's disappearance has led to a power vacuum and people are trying to fill it. She'll turn up in the nick of time and toast some people, no doubt.