Monday 2 September 2019

ADwD 26: The Wayward Bride 387

Asha is at Deepwood Motte. I guess she got left behind too when everyone left for the kingsmoot, and with only a handful of men to defend the place. She learns that Moat Cailin has been taken (by Ramsay Bolton a few chapters back). We learn that she has been married in absentia, which is apparently a thing with Ironmen. But her husband, Erik Ironmaker, is old and far away and she has a boyfriend called Qarl. With a Q.

We learn that Damphair has gone AWOL since the kingsmoot. Was the last we heard of him?

Asha's Nuncle the reader once advised her to read a book about Haereg, pointing out that she is a danger to Euron while she is alive for having a stronger claim to the throne than him (since she is the previous king's daughter, rather than brother). But then Tris, who is in love with her and also full of advice, reminds her of some old king called Torgon who came home and declared a previous kingsmoot unlawful since he was absent. And of course Asha was absent from the kingsmoot... So Tris gets a kiss for that genius idea.

But it all might be moot (heh) since the castle is under attack. Presumably by Stannis' men, including mountain clan men whom Jon advised Stannis to recruit. After some debate they scarper from the castle and make for the ships. When they stop for a rest they are attacked and a short fight ensues, and we end the chapter with Asha about to get her head staved in wondering why a trumpet is blowing. I'm at a bit of a loss, too.