Tuesday, 23 October 2018

ACoK 67: Tyrion 840

Tyrion wakes up and finds out that he's injured and no longer the hand. He remembers that Ser Mandon tried to kill him, and finds out that Pod saved him and killed Ser Mandon. Tyrion is suspicious of his sister, who he thinks may have set Mandon on him, and who might yet poison him. I'm not sure Cersei would be that direct. But it's all a mystery for now.

I'm trying to remember who Mandon is. GRRM has a way of making previously minor characters suddenly very important. You have to pay attention...or use the search feature. Sansa noticed Mandon had strange dead eyes back when she was comparing who she'd rather be lead around by; Mandon was the one who was guarding Cersei and whom Tyrion had to overrule to visit her (I'm not sure that would have annoyed him enough to want to kill Tyrion), and on that occasion Tyrion also noticed his lifeless eyes; Mandon was involved in rescuing Joffrey from the crowd on the way back from seeing Myrcella onto a ship; and he rode out of the postern door alongside Tyrion in the final battle.

Hmm, he seems to hang around working for Cersei, but no other clues there, apart from those lifeless eyes, whatever that might mean.