Wednesday, 10 October 2018

ACoK 55: Catelyn 708

Everyone at Riverrun is still celebrating their victories but Catelyn has found out that Bran and Rickon are dead. She's pretty unhappy about it. She goes to see Jaime in the dungeon and swaps answers with him. She learns that all Cersei's children are Jaime's and that he pushed Bran out of the window (Jaime doesn't seem to care what she knows, at this point).

We also find out just how mad King Aerys killed Brandon and Rickard (Ned's dad and brother who Catelyn was originally going to marry). It's about as nasty has having molten gold on your head, and something out of one of those Saw movies. Brandon is being roasted and a device is set up so that Rickard strangles himself trying to save his son. I reckon Jaime deserves some slack for breaking his oath and killing Aerys after that, to be honest.

Cersei wants to kill Jaime for murdering Bran, but manages to restrain herself for the sake of her hostage daughters. But when Jaime starts mocking her about Jon Snow, *that* is too much, and she asks for Brienne's sword.

So Cersei is, presumably, about to kill Jaime herself, Stark style. Which is madness because it's unlikely to end well for Sansa. At this point I'm half-expecting Bran and Rickon to turn up alive after all, since so far we have only heard second-hand reports of their deaths, and it would make for some epic tragedy. A Theon chapter is next so we don't have long to wait to find out.