Tuesday, 27 August 2019

ADwD 15: Davos 223

Davos has rocked up in White Harbour to convince Manderley to fight for Stannis. He was supposed to have a fleet of ships with him; instead he's ended up going down the less impressive pretending-to-be-a-common-sailor approach.

White Harbour seems like a pretty wealthy town. Its houses are made of stone. The Lannister ship Lionstar is in dock. I can't find any previous mention of this ship.

Davos plays the computer-RPG-game game of talking to random people. He learns that people are worried about the Bastard of Bolton, and that Manderley is recruiting for his army. He visits an inn with such bad food and wine that customs officials won't go in. There he learns all the latest news, including that one of Manderley's sons is still alive and held hostage by Lannisters. it all looks pretty hopeless for getting Manderley to fight Lannisters. Except obviously he's going to come to some agreement with Manderley to fake his own death to trick them into giving Manderley's son back. That would fit in with what we know from the preivous book.

He also hears rumours of Dany from a sailor on the Sloe-eyed Maid. He knows what happened to that ship. I had to search all the way back to ACoK to find reference to it: Back when Dany was planning to head straight back to Westeros she and Xaro were searching for ships and it was a ship that was too small for her needs, which differs from the captain's steward's version of the captain refusing because he was worried about dragons burning his sails. Anyway, at this point Davos is better informed than Cersei.