What just happened? The downfall of Cersei happened. In retrospect that seemed inevitable. She took over from the very able Tywin, but didn't take anyone's advice, and ignored too many warnings and made too many mistakes. She tried Tryion and Littlefinger-style manipulation and it all backfired. Ultimately it looks like she is a pawn and not a player. I'm not yet sure what it means for the other Lannisters. Will Jaime and Kevan be able to sort things out?
Sam travelled to Oldtown, briefly meeting Arya along the way. Presumably now he'll study to be a maester and return to the wall.
Arya is having adventures in Braavos. I'm not sure what will happen to her now she has killed Dareon. She'll either advance to the next stage of assassin training, to return later to effect a major plot twist, or else be booted out of the cult and go on to have further adventures.
The Ironmen are trying to woo Dany to their cause of overthrowing Westeros. They are also threatening Oldtown.
The Mage is trying to get Dany to, do what, exactly? Fullfill her part in a prophecy to save the universe?
The Dornish are trying to woo Dany to their cause of wiping out the Lannisters.
The Tyrells are trying to save themselves from the Ironmen and secure their daughter's place beside Tommen. That's all looking pretty precarious.
Petyr is trying to win the Eyrie and Winterfell, though with the coming of Dany / Monsters from the North, all this seems a bit of a sideshow, for all his clever scheming.
Stannis has lost a castle but possibly gained some ships. I'm not sure what else he has been up to on the wall. Keeping the realm safe from monsters, presumably, but the realm seems mostly unaware of it for now.
Brienne went looking for Sansa and found Catelyn, who is about to hang her.
The Great Septon is raising an army, and will probably try to overthrow the Lannisters.
Lancel is off to join the Great Septon's army, but it occurs to me he feels guilty about the whole business with Cersei. Might he rescue her?
Meanwhile we know very little about the North. A lot of the North was held by Ironmen but they are distracted elsewhere now. Roose Bolton is out there doing things; helping or hindering Lannisters, I forget which. Who knows what is happening at the wall and beyond it, with Bran and Coldhands. We also don't know what Tyrion is up to. We still don't know what Rickon Stark is doing. Mance Rayder won't have been idle.
Lots of people are "presumed" dead, but probably will turn up later: Brienne, Loras, The Original Hound, GREGOR, Davos, Theon, Benjen Stark (remember him?).
And Dany is in Meereen, ready to take over Westeros, reunite the kingdoms, end slavery, thwart the monsters beyond the wall, and bring back the age of dragons. Any day now!