Monday, 29 April 2019

AFfC 23: Alayne 368

Well Sansa. But she is pretending to be Petyr's daughter. He makes her kiss him. And that awful Robert boy is just awful. I don't blame Sansa for wanting to give him to the Lords Declarant. They want to raise him up to be a great knight: good luck with that. They also want Petyr to leave the valley. Instead he pulls a trick where he gets Lyn Corbray to pretend to threaten him in his own house, so that he can threaten to arrest the others. This works, and they give him a year to rule the valley before deciding whether he's up to the job. He'll have made sure they're all neutered by then, one way or another.

All of this is not much fun for Sansa but it is probably good schooling. Maybe she'll come out of it able to scheme and plot with the best of them.