Tuesday, 8 January 2019

ASoS 38: Tyrion 517

Tyrion, Bronn and a bunch of lesser lords and knights ride out to meet visiting Dornishmen, led by Prince Oberyn, who is a bit of an arsehole. He relates a lovely tale of how he visited Kings Landing back when Aerys was still king and Tyrion had just been born and was frankly disappointed by the grieving Tywin's hospitality, and by how un-monstrous baby Tyrion turned out to be. But at least Cersei was cruel to Tyrion even then.

Anyway, Dornishmen at the wedding with Tyrells is bad enough, but the head Dornishman is a bit on the, er, provocative side, and he's disgruntled about some years old murder of his sister, too. So I've said it before and I'll say it again, it'll be the best weddin' Walford's ever 'ad!