Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Summary of the First Five Books

And that is that. GRRM had better finish Winds of Winter soon because now I don't know what to do with myself.

Where are we, then?

  • Arya Stark is still across the sea in Braavos learning to be an assassin. Eventually she'll come back and kill everyone and avenge the Starks and take the Iron Throne. Stands to reason.
  • Sansa Stark is hanging out at the Eyrie with Petyr Littlefinger Baelish who is plotting... something. Is he on the same side as Varys, Ilyrio and Jon Connington? I'm not sure.
  • Jon Snow was commander of the Watch and was going to reform it and stop Others from invading. But now he's possibly dead. (I suppose the kingdom being in disarray would suit forces north of the wall, too. Is Varys working with the Children? Are they working not to restore Aegon to the throne but to return south themselves?)
  • Bran Stark is hanging out with Children of the Forest learning to supernaturally spy on everyone. And possibly also influence events.
  • Catelyn Stark is a zombie and hanging out near the riverlands.
  • Tywin Lannister was killed by Tyrion.
  • Tyrion Lannister is across the sea trying to get to Dany by way of getting Brown Ben Plumm to overthrow the Yunkai'i.
  • Jaime Lannister was last seen capturing castles in the riverlands, but is now heading off to see Catelyn with Brienne.
  • Cersei Lannister is about to face trial.
  • Kevan Lannister was killed by Varys and weird pale children.
  • Robert Baratheon the usurper of the Targaryens is dead.
  • Renly Baratheon was killed by his brother Stannis Baratheon's sorceress friend Melisandre.
  • Stannis Baratheon was last seen trying to capture Winterfell with a very cold and starving army but there is one unreliable report that he's dead.
  • Doran Martell wants vengeance on the Lannisters and is about to meet at least one Targaryen to help restore to the throne.
  • Quentyn Martell died trying to steal a dragon.
  • Danaerys Targaryen is across the sea riding a dragon and running into Dothraki. Maybe if she can get her act together she can come and claim the Iron Throne of Westeros and in doing so find out it's not hers to claim any more since Aegon is still alive.
  • Barristan Selmy has, rightly or wrongly, restarted a war against the Yunkai'i.
  • Aegon Targaryen is off trying to capture Storm's End and ultimately the whole kingdom and the iron throne.
  • Theon Greyjoy was last seen in the snow somewhere near Stannis, having bumped into his sister Asha who was going to be burned by Stannis to appease the red god. 
  • Euron Greyjoy is sailing across the sea to rescue Dany from various attackers and steal her back to Westeros. He has a dragon taming horn that might be handy.

At a guess, a succession of people will win the throne and get overthrown by the next disaster. Connington and Aegon will overthrow the Lannisters in time for scary monsters from the north and general wintry mass starvation. Dany will come along at the end with dragons to help out. Aegon will die leaving her in charge. Somehow Littlefinger will end up with Winterfell. Arya will turn up and kill him and all the other people on her list. The kingdom will be at peace until Arya usurps Dany by warging the dragons. Or something.

Yep, I have absolutely no idea where this is going next, but it's been quite a ride.

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