Wednesday, 20 March 2019

ASoS 77: Tyrion 1062

Tyrion gets rescued by Jaime and Varys. It looks like it will be a heartwarming brotherly reuninion (they do seem to get on pretty well for Lannisters). Then Jaime tells Tyrion the big secret: Tysha wasn't a whore after all. The whole thing was made up because Tywin thought she married Tyrion for the money. Tyrion is angry at Jaime for some reason (because I doubt Tywin gave him much choice). So he sends Jaime packing, telling him he did kill Joffrey (which just annoyed me because it is not helpful for anyone to lie about that).

Tyrion meets Varys who leads him down some tunnels. Then, against Varys's advice, he climbs a ladder, learns that Varys probably gets most of his information by listening through thin walls of secret passages, and kills both Shae and Tywin (while he was sat on the privy, no less). Tywin did not see that coming. And neither did I.

So who's in charge of the Seven Kingdoms now? Cersei? Good grief what a kerfuffle this is going to cause.

ASoS 76: Jon 1053

Only Janos Slynt and Alliser Thorne think Jon is a turncloak now. Everyone else thinks he's a hero for capturing the Big Horn, even though mainly he was hiding in a tent delivering a baby. This is the kind of stuff that happens when you're a character in a GRRM book.

He's summoned to meet Stannis. So Melisandre is still about, but so is Davos. It was Maester Aemon's letter he read in his last chapter, and that's why Stannis is here. I like this line from Stannis, which is really what Davos had told him: "I was trying to win the thronse to save the kingdom, when I should have been trying to save the kingdom to win the throne." Which does sound like excellent advice, and also the sort of honourable behaviour that won't go unpunished in a GRRM book. We'll see...

Anyway, Stannis has an interesting offer for Jon: Bend the knee, marry Val, and he'll remove the taint of bastardy to make Jon a Stark and install him as lord of Winterfell. I don't know how that works with the Night's Watch vows but since Stannis has just won them a major battle and saved them from total destruction they'll probably go along with it, though Alliser Thorne won't be happy. The marrying Val bit is a bit odd but Stannis also plans to let the wildlings settle the Gift south of the wall, and it's a way to keep them in check. In theory, since the Free Folk are free and do whatever they want. But marrying Val doesn't seem so bad; she's pretty reasonable. And Jon does want Winterfell. So he'll probably go for it. Or he might be all angsty and heartwrenchingly deny himself the chance of happiness and/or greatness for romantic ideas about loyalty to the watch.

ASoS 75: Samwell 1042

Sam is awesome. He's not only not craven, he's about the most decent person in Westeros (or at least in these books). He's come up with a touching plan to convince his father Lord Randyll (a Tyrell bannerman) that Gilly's son is his son so that she will be looked after in Horn Hill. I hope this will be the end of Gilly's story, and not the set up for some awful future turn of events...

We've also learned that Mance has been captured, Janos Slynt is trying to become Lord Commander but is not yet the favourite. Sam wants to try to influence the outcome in favour of Denys Mallister or Cotter Pyke, since Janos Slynt (Tywin's choice) would be awful.

And Sam knows that Bran is alive (since he met him) but has been made to promise, by both Bran and Coldhands, not to tell anyone, since Bran does not want and search parties looking for him.

ASoS 74: Arya 1027

Arya and the Hound visit an Inn. Who should be there but Polliver and The Tickler, GREGORs men who tortured the villagers, earning their place on Arya's list of People Who Must Die. They have a nice chat during which they learn the Joffrey is dead, that Tyrion is blamed, that he married Sansa, that she escaped, and that Arya is due to marry the Bastard of Bolton. Most of which Arya thinks is too ludicrous to believe.

Then they have a fight in which the Hound is almost killed but is saved by Arya, who kills Polliver's squire with Needle. I think this is actually the same Needle that they stole off her. They make there escape with weapons and money. Arya's list is a lot shorter. I think this counts as good news for a Stark, kind of. And things are looking less desperate for Jon, too. Could the tide be turning?

Things are not looking good for the Hound, whose leg wound is festering. Arya leaves him for dead. I'm a bit disappointed as it seemed like they were starting to make a good team. But I don't really blame Arya, who is thinking of all the people like Mycah he must have killed. She goes to the port town of Saltpans, sells her horse, and has a chat with a ship's captain. She wants to go north to the wall and find Jon, but the ship is going to Braavos. When she shows the captain the coin given to her by Jaqen H'ghar, she is offered her own cabin. And possibly the ship will go where she wants, too.

Just what is this coin and who is Jaqen H'ghar? And what does valar dohaeris mean?